Stay connected with your community
Create beautiful, branded newsletters
- Create professional, engaging email newsletters with a simple drag-and-drop builder
- Save time by starting with a pre-made template or build and save your own branded designs
- Connect with readers through photos and video clips—automatically formatted for your template so they always look great
- Upload forms and documents or add links and attachments so clients and colleagues can easily access resources
Reach your audience on any device, in any language
- Ensure your newsletters look great on any device with responsive templates
- Increase engagement and keep everyone in the loop with translation into 130+ languages
- Send quick weekly round-ups of events or business updates to teams and clients
- Share your newsletters on social media or your website to reach a larger audience
Measure impact with easy analytics
- See who opens and clicks your emails—and what devices they use
- Track your most clicked content to know who’s engaging and who needs extra follow-up
- Use easy reporting features to optimize your newsletters based on data insights
- Conduct polls and collect responses for a more interactive experience