Smore’s Monthly Theme Templates: Pi Day!
Our goal is to simplify your life by creating grab n’ go templates filled with engaging resources and ideas for lessons and units. Mindful of the circumstances in which schools are operating these days, there are resources in all of our templates for both distance and in-person learning.
For Pi Day, we’ve got a collection of fun and unusual resources that approach the concept of Pi from different sides…um…angles…um…perspectives?
First off, a collection of resources from National Today, the folks who bring you all kinds of fun facts, history, and ideas about the wide variety of celebratory days out there. Followed by some Pi jokes, because, really, what’s a math-centered day without some jokes?!
Next up, we made a Venn diagram of National Women’s History Month and Pi Day, and are pleased to bring you some super interesting resources about important women in STEM. One of them is a series of gorgeous portraits of unsung women mathematicians and scientists, each accompanied by a fictive letter in which the women talk about their lives and challenges. This could get spun into an incredible project for students.
While we’re on the subject of paintings, we’ve got a beautiful representation of Pi translated into color. And let’s not exclude literacy! Pi Day is an excellent opportunity to teach about homophones — am eye write?! And then of course, there’s math class. We’ve got some interesting calculator investigations of Pi.
And towards the bottom of the template, a song about Pi, an excellent roundup of resources for teaching Pi, and last, and most fattening, pies to bake.
Enjoy and good teaching!
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